
Website Project - Chosen Hill School

11 Jan 2023
sell SecondaryWebsites
Website Project - Chosen Hill School

Chosen Hill School’s new website was a lot of fun to build!

The lead designer of this project, Rachel, did a great job of combining the school’s taste and requirements whilst also ensuring that usability is at the forefront.

The homepage has some interesting features with eye catching colours, shapes and animating lines. It includes some key starting links in the header which are presented in a unique way, a Student of the Week module shown in a tabbed view and an Upcoming Events section displayed like a timeline.

This school website includes two homepages with seperate colour schemes and images for each section. The main school is primarily green whilst the sixth form is purple. This creates a sense of separation between the two parts of the school.

On the other hand, by utilising the same design the school was able to keeps costs down and maintain a continuation of school branding across the site.

Our multiple homepage websites offer a simple way of exhibiting information related to different parts of a school or trust. There are seperate link types, news sections, calendars, social media feeds, house points, among many others.

Whilst the data, links and text are different, visually they are all the same. The subpages in each section follow the colour scheme and data change to match consistently.

One challenge with this site was fitting all the social media links at the top of the site as requested by the school. This was not on issue on larger screens but responsively they had to be made very small and eventually removed. Trying to cram too much into the header is common mistake made. 

Overall, I really enjoyed building this site. This design was more unique and provided some interesting challenges. 

You can see the site here.